A guide to avoid pitfalls in the cryptocurrency circle for new and old investors:

1. Pull you to a copycat exchange to earn customer losses. They will say how good the copycat exchange is. Some copycat exchanges have 200 times leverage, and sometimes they will have malicious liquidation. Some exchanges that are not well developed will run away, and the money in them cannot be withdrawn... It is recommended to go to a large exchange, such as BN and OKX.

2. Register the link and trade with the rebate link. There are contract orders to follow every day. In fact, open contracts every day and earn rebates. If you lose all your money and don’t continue to charge U, you will be kicked out (of course there are better people, but very few).

There is no contract market that makes money every day, unless the technology is extremely awesome. I have been in the circle for so long, and I have not seen it yet. If there is, please recommend it to me.

3. Open a high leverage, extremely high rate of return, to attract attention. In fact, it is an ant warehouse, open a 10u, and take it out to show it off. I am not against high leverage. A girl I know also opens a high leverage, only opens big cake and ether, and controls the position very well. But most people can't control high leverage, and they open a full position with 100 times. If they are right, they will get rich, and if they are wrong, they will lose a lot... But most of them are the latter...

4. Free is the most expensive... I won't interpret this too much, I can only taste it carefully.

I'll write it here first, and I'll add more when I think of it later.

Finally, I hope every leek will be treated gently by the world~#ETH