Binance continues to launch its 53rd Launchpool. This project is Renzo Protocol, a staking platform built on EigenLayer. Join me in reviewing the highlights and predicting the price list.

Renzo highlights:

- Built on EigenLayer, one of the most prominent platforms recently. Renzo makes it easier for users to access the EigenLayer platform and its ecosystem.

- The first highlight that I see is Cross chain staking. This helps#Renzoexpand more to the user file in Layer 2 surrounding the ETH ecosystem. If successful, this will be a big lever for the project to explode.

- The second highlight is multi-protocol. Renzo combines a variety of protocols such as Pendle, Curve, Balancer... => more liquidity.

- Renzo successfully raised $3.2M in the seed round from tier 2 funds such as: Maven 11 Capital (lead), OKX, SevenX... Most recently, February 2024#Renzocontinued to call from Binance Labs (amount undisclosed)

So how to set a reasonable price?

- With a total supply of 10B tokens, the initial circulating supply is 10.5%, meaning 1.05B tokens will be circulated to the market. To make it easiest to guess, I bring EtherFi for you to compare. EtherFi raised $32M and current cap is around $450M. Renzo raises to 3.2M, what do you think the price will be? OTC is trading at $0.37.

I will give you a few options for you to discuss.

- MC $450M (on par with EtherFi) price will be $0.42

- MC $300M price will be $0.28

- MC $200M price will be $0.19

For me, if the price is $0.42 it is expensive, a reasonable price would be $0.30 which is around $300 - $350M. The number is quite close to recent Launch projects on Binance.

So what are your views? Please share and discuss in the comments. If you find it useful, don't forget to give me a retweet.

Thank you guys for reading the article

#Renzo#REZ #binancelaunchpool