Speaking with data: changes in market data and capital

Compare the data on Monday.

The overall market rose, and the market value increased. Ethereum, followed by altcoins, and then Bitcoin. In terms of market share, Bitcoin's share is decreasing. Ethereum has the largest increase in share due to the popularity of ETFs, and altcoins are also gradually increasing their activity.

In terms of trading volume, both Bitcoin and Ethereum have increased in shrinking volume. Although Bitcoin's increase is not large compared to Monday, it has not been able to break through effectively, which has also led to a decrease in trading volume. This is normal.

Ethereum's shrinking increase means that Ethereum has more bullish sentiment at this stage.

The altcoin market trading volume is in an increasing state. With the active altcoins, because of their large number and complexity, the long and short sentiments are obviously not unified and stable. However, the gradual activity of altcoins also proves the active risk sentiment of the market.

In terms of funds, it is a bit not optimistic. The retained funds on the market increased by 700 million, while the net inflow of Asian funds in the off-market funds was 240 million US dollars, and the US funds began to have a significant outflow on Tuesday this week, with an outflow of 480 million US dollars.

The increase in funds retained in the market also means that the current funds in the market are temporarily sufficient, and it also means that funds have confidence in the market. Asian funds continue to flow in steadily, while the outflow of US funds directly represents that the main force of the recent market activity is in the Asian market.

The sluggish spot trading in the US market and the outflow of funds are also one of the reasons why Bitcoin has been unable to break through and stabilize in the short term. I hope that the boost in US stocks this week can bring better funds to the crypto market.
