Looking at the entire trend, the current market is still within our analysis, so Lao Cui always thinks that everyone is in a profitable state. The next trend will also be carried out between this trend. The known problem at present is that the halving has come, and the impact of this round of halving can only smooth out the previous military impact. It is wishful thinking for everyone to want a big bull market to come. This can be made clear to everyone, especially with the US's policy of not lowering interest rates, there will be no large funds involved, and the future trend will still fluctuate around a wide range. + Author z171752236 So when it reaches a certain high, go short, and go long boldly at a low level. Lao Cui was also ridiculed by cold words when he took more near 60,000, but now who is the joke? If you don't know the entry point, ask boldly! (All actions will be free, the purpose is to join forces for warmth)

Lao Cui's message: Investing is like playing chess. Experts can see five, seven or even more than ten steps ahead, while low-level players can only see two or three steps ahead. Experts consider the overall situation and the general trend, and do not focus on one piece or one place, but aim to win the game in the end. Low-level players fight for every inch of land, frequently switch between long and short positions, and only fight for a short-term position, resulting in frequent setbacks.

This material is for learning reference only and does not constitute a buying or selling recommendation. Buying or selling based on this is at your own risk!