$BTC Cryptocurrency Circle Anti-Fraud Guide, come in and see, today a salesperson from a swindle exchange came to me and said that if I could attract 150 new members and trade 3e, I would get 5000u for completing the task. To be honest, this is really simple, and I also get 85 customer loss high reversal. The purpose of this kind of exchange is to make you trade frequently every day, and constantly blow up your positions to create customer losses. I directly and decisively refuse this kind of unethical thing. I will never consume fans. Supporting the interests of fans is my first principle. I may not be able to make money with fans, but I will definitely try my best to make you lose less money! Finally, I advise everyone not to be diverted to small exchanges, which are no different from scams! Especially those avatars wearing suits, anyone who mentions finance, community, planet, professional team, get on the bus, and similar words, and asks you to add various contact information, will be regarded as a scammer. Recently, there are more and more scammers, and many of them have been exposed in the square. Everyone must be careful and keep their eyes open. There is no free lunch in the world. It is full of routines. The devil just wants to take all the money out of your pocket! #BTC