With only 5,000 yuan on hand, do you think it is difficult to make a difference in the cryptocurrency circle?

Let me tell you, this money, as long as you play it cleverly, can also make a big splash.

But before that, you need to understand what rolling positions are. For example, if you have 50,000 yuan on hand, how can you use this 50,000 yuan to get started? This 50,000 yuan must be pure profit that you can afford to lose, otherwise please consider it carefully.

Imagine that Bitcoin opens a position at 10,000 yuan, you use 10 times leverage, choose the position-by-position mode, and only open 10% of the position, that is, 5,000 yuan as margin. This is actually equivalent to 1 times leverage, setting a 2-point stop loss. Stop loss? You will only lose 2%, that is, 1,000 yuan.

You may ask, what happened to those people who had their positions blown up?

Even if they really blow up, you will only lose 5,000 yuan, how can you lose everything?

Let's assume that Bitcoin rises to 11,000, and you use 10% of the total funds again, and set a 2% stop loss. Even if you stop loss, you can still make 8% profit. You see, the risk is not that big.

Rolling may sound scary, but if you call it floating profit adding, you may feel more familiar. This is actually a common strategy in futures trading. You don't need to always maintain a high leverage of 5 to 10 times, two or three times is enough. The key is to use floating profit to add positions and always maintain two or three times leverage of the total position. In Bitcoin trading, as long as you operate carefully, the risk is actually controllable.

Patience is the key. As long as you have enough patience, time will become your friend and bring you rich returns. Rolling has great potential. As long as you seize a few opportunities with high certainty, it is not far-fetched to earn tens of millions or even hundreds of millions. Therefore, before rolling, be sure to conduct in-depth analysis to find those opportunities that are really worth investing.

Want to make a million? Fifty thousand principal is enough, and this investment can be relatively safe. You can invest one hundred thousand first, wait for the opportunity to kill retail investors in the market, buy spot and earn a profit of one hundred thousand. Then use fifty thousand of the one hundred thousand profit to roll the position. If you want to make a lot of money, you need to have the courage to take risks. When the opportunity comes, roll over the position decisively and use two or three times leverage. One or two successful operations can bring considerable returns.

Investment always comes with risks. If you lose the bet, all the profits of 50,000 will be lost, then you need to invest another 50,000. If all the profits are lost, then stop in time and continue to rely on the 100,000 principal to make profits to find new opportunities. This process seems simple, but it requires extraordinary patience and perseverance.

Only in this way can you realize the dream of getting rich in the currency circle while avoiding the risk of huge losses. Don't blindly hoard coins anymore. Those who hoarded coins two years ago may have just recovered their capital now, and they can't make several times more by investing until the peak of the bull market. Real wealth is often hidden in the hands of those who dare to take risks and are good at waiting.


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