Tuesday is over again. One sentence is the best to describe it: Bet on the king of kings; bet on the hemp of hemp. We can see that the market retreated in the early morning yesterday and continued to rise. The highest reached 67200 in the morning. I went long at midnight and opened my eyes to collect 850 points in the morning. Then in the morning, I said that I would continue to follow the trend and go long at a low level. The intraday market moved slowly and fluctuated downward for half a day. In the afternoon, I publicly announced that I would go long at 66200. I reminded those who didn’t enter that they could see 67000 better if they went in directly. After a tug-of-war in the afternoon, it rose again in the evening. Duodan took another 800 points, and Yitai took another 100 points, and Zhiyin was out. I kept going long at a low level and won continuously. It was directly full! #新币挖矿 #比特币减半 #大盘走势 #ETH #BTC $BTC $ETH

The overall market is still in the upward rhythm. In the daily chart, we can see that the current K-line has closed to the lower abdomen above the middle rail. The retracement is also for better highs. The current MACD has formed an underwater golden cross daily line. As long as it can stabilize on the middle rail, there is still momentum to continue to rush up to 70,000. In four hours, we can see that the market is still in a unilateral upward trend. Continue to retrace at midnight!

Big cake 66400-66100 more, up to 67500+

Auntie 3210-3190 more, up to 3300+