Regarding the bill passed by the House of Representatives to support Ukraine,

The bill totals 95 billion, 608 for Ukraine. Let’s not talk about whether the bill can be passed. Today, I watched a detailed analysis by a video blogger, and then checked the information myself, and found that Americans are still good at playing.

Purpose: I encourage you to fight, and then I support you if you have no money, and I support you if you have no materials, but you need to exchange them with your core resources. Then I can still give you money and materials, but they are all loans, and the loan is still used by me.

Listen to me in detail, the US supports the Ukraine bill: (the more you borrow, the poorer you become, Ukraine is poorer, and the United States is rich)

Let’s talk about the plan passed by the House of Representatives first, 60.8 billion for Ukraine, the bulk. 8.1 billion to support the Asia-Pacific region, most of which is to support pineapples, that is, the United States’ allies in the Asia-Pacific region, and Israel received 26.4 billion US dollars in support.

Let’s break down what the Ukraine support bill includes:

4 billion is to supplement Ukraine’s Iron Dome defense system ammunition. Who should buy the ammunition? Needless to say, the United States directly produces and sells it.

23.2 billion US dollars is for additional defense materials and defense services provided to Ukraine. Who is the largest supplier of defense materials and defense services to Ukraine now? The United States. In other words, the money approved is to pay the cost of the United States to help Ukraine.

11.3 billion US dollars is used for the current military expenditure of the US military in the region. Yes, you heard it right. Although the United States has not invested any visible troops in Ukraine, the money must be collected.

13.8 billion US dollars is used to purchase advanced weapon systems, defense items and defense services. It is still the first point. Who will provide Ukraine's defense materials and services? Either NATO or the United States.

1.6 billion foreign military financing will be used for the needs of Ukraine and other partners in the region. To be honest, you might as well say that this is for NATO. In fact, it is to refurbish equipment and train personnel. Who is responsible? Guess! Although the current foreign personnel training and equipment refurbishment are free, do you believe it?

431 million US dollars of special funds, of which 26 million US dollars are used to provide Ukraine with equipment for supervision and accountability. To put it bluntly, it is the military expenditure for sending military equipment and personnel to you.And it is to prevent Ukraine from reselling equipment.
