#Binance 53. Launchpool Announces Renzo ($EZ)!

Renzo is an Eigenlayer based restaking platform. It is a liquid restaking protocol where you can lock Ethereum and replace it with ezETH, and benefit from different platforms by investing these ezETHs on other platforms by transacting 2 units with 1 unit of $ETH. In this way, using AVS as a validator also offers higher returns than $ETH staking. The platform enables easy collaboration between Eigenlayer nodes, eliminating end-user complexity.

250m of the $EZ token, which will be released with an initial offering of 1.05b, or nearly 25%, will be distributed through @Binance Launchpool. The maximum supply is 10b units. Farming will start on April 24 at 03.00 (TSI) and will continue until April 29 at 03.00 (TSI). $EZ Token listing will take place on April 30 at 15.00 Türkiye time.

To join Launchpool, you can start farming by staking $BNB and/or $FDUSD in the Renzo Protocol section from the Launchpool section of the Binance Launchpad page. With this farming, you will be able to earn $EZ in an amount calculated by staked amount * staked time. Good luck. #BinanceLaunchpool!