Who are the famous figures in the currency circle? Newcomers can learn about it

1. Satoshi Nakamoto: The founder of Bitcoin and the most mysterious person. 2. Buterin: A talented young man, the founder of Ethereum, and the creator of the blockchain 2.0 era. 3. BM: Founder of BTS and EOS. EOS is considered blockchain 3.0. 4. Li Xiaolai and Wu Jihan are tied. Li Xiaolai: The self-proclaimed richest man in Bitcoin in China and the co-founder of Coin Capital. Jihan Wu: Founder of Bitmain, in charge of the most powerful computing power. 5. Shen Bo: Partner of Fenbushi Capital, former founding team of BitShares. 6. All partners of YYBC: dominate the world's at least 10 trillion art assets and hundreds of thousands of tokens on the chain. 7. Da Hongfei: CEO of Xiaoyi ceoonchain Distribution Technology. 8. Shuai Chu: Founder and CEO of Quantum Chain 9. Han Feng: Founder of Elastos. 10. Mr. Bao Erye: Bitcoin will not reach 1 million US dollars in my lifetime, so I will live broadcast to eat jj, founder and opinion leader of Bitcoin God. 11. He Yi: Co-founder of okcoin Binance, the first sister in the currency circle

Former travel TV host. 12. Prince Gong: Founder of Blockchain Chalk. He has translated a large amount of blockchain information. Founder of CYBEX. 13. Laomao: Bigone CEO, co-founder of Coin Capital 14. Yangyang: Yangyang interviews founder Bao Erye’s wife. 15. Changpeng Zhao: Founder and CEO of Binance 16. Zhou Shuoji: Founder of F B G Capital. 17. Xu Mingxing: Founder of OK. 18. Martian: Founder of Braised Pork. 19. Roger v er: Bitcoin Jesus, Bitcoin angel investor. 20. Li Lin: Founder of Huobi. 21. Lu Xujun: Wanwei Chain c e o 22. Tan Guopeng: Babbitt columnist, founder of BitTor. 23. Huang Lianjin: Expert at Huawei Blockchain Laboratory. 24. Chu Xia Hu: CEO of Metaverse and Chairman of Metaverse Foundation. 25. Changchai: Founder of Babbitt and Bytom. 26. Li Qiwei: Founder of Litecoin and CEO of Litecoin Mining Pool. 27. Zhu Jiawei: Chief Operating Officer of Huobi. Before joining Huobi, he worked at Oracle 28. He Bin: Founder of imToken. 29. Du Jun: Founder of Golden Finance. 30. Zhao Dong: Founder of Dfund and shareholder of Bitfinex. 31. Zhao Guofeng: Founder of Bitcoin World, Bitcoin enthusiast, investment and entrepreneurship in Southeast Asia.32. Xue Manzi: Well-known angel investor, entered the cryptocurrency circle in a short-term strong manner last year. 33. Pan Guoli: Founder of Coin Trend. 34. Huang Tianwei: Founder and CEO of Bit Era 35. Jiang Zhuoer: Founder of Litecoin Mining Pool. 36. Sun Yuchen: Founder of TRON (TR X), disciple of Jack Ma. 37. Shentu Qingchun: Founder and CEO of Silver Chain Technology 38. Cancer: Member of BTS Council, Babbitt columnist. 39. Gaoyuan Feiyan: Founder of Linmengbao. 40. Dr. Wang Baocai, founder of Gongxin Chain.

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