
Bitcoin Ecological Narrative Logic

Narrative 1: BRC20 sector issues stablecoins and defi applications, which may drive the leading ordi/sats to grow 5-10 times.

Narrative 2: ARC20 sector AVM is launched, Bitcoin L1 application is realized, and the leading atom/quark is promoted.

Narrative 3: RUNES sector holds NFT airdrop tokens, leading RSIC and runestone.

Narrative 4: RGB++ sector L2 application is realized, which drives the leading seal/nervape to explode.

Current market value ranking: BRC20 (about 2 billion)>RUNES (about 600 million)>ARC20 (about 100 million)>RGB++ (about 40 million)

#BRC20😘 #Runes符文 #ARC-20