2024/4/23 BTC sharing:

Monthly level: The breakthrough of the previous high means the emergence of a bullish structure of the monthly line. The structure is bullish, and the bullish expectation is around 8.67-9.4. However, due to the large monthly level, there will be a smaller level of callback in the future. The callback should be combined with the same cycle to find a suitable buying area;

Daily level: The 4-hour short structure continued to the target position of the same cycle at 413/414. From the daily structure, it is bearish because it fell below the low point of the consolidation zone. What needs to be paid attention to is whether the small-level bullish institutions can form an effective reversal and break through the high point, or whether the daily level will go out of the triangle to form an upward relay, otherwise the daily/weekly callback is an inevitable result (there has only been one daily level callback since the entire round of 2.5, and there has been no weekly level callback).

Four-hour level: Due to the previous wave of decline, the buy zone formed a rebound, and the current natural rebound high point of the falling structure has been broken, and the short structure has been destroyed. Here, the long structure is expected to form a reversal. The target capture still needs to see whether the structure is established;

Suggestions: If you are a contract trader, you should still focus on long positions, but because it is now in a contradictory range, it is not reasonable to chase long positions. The stop loss is too wide. From the structural point of view, it needs to be brought to a new low. If the structure is subsequently formed, you can put a small position on the left side to enter the market and break through the right side to increase the position. When you reach the target, you can stop the profit in time and keep the position to gamble on the possible reversal. Some people ask what to do if you pull it up directly. Pulling it up is not your trading opportunity. It is better to miss it than to make a mistake. If the daily level callback is established in the future, it will be a better entry position. At that time, the buy zone and the structure in the buy zone will be shared from the structure. If you are a spot trader, I am afraid of missing the structural rise of the monthly line. I only recommend taking a little spot. The buy zone after the daily and weekly level callback is the main trading opportunity. Just wait patiently.

Finally, let me mention the news I mentioned yesterday. Today, a certain BIT on BIGTIME exploded 20+%. There should be many people stuck at the top of the mountain, and many people do not know how to stop profit at the target position and the profit is zero. I just sold a small amount in the left selling area, and the 30-minute structure has increased its position. The current structure has reached the delivery position and has been profitable. I mainly make orders based on structure, the contract cycle is above 15/hour level, and the spot is above the daily level. I will not jump to the gods, but only share reasonably.If my sharing is helpful to you, you can follow me and I will update it every day. #BTC #bigtime