I know that many people will not buy Bitcoin because they think its price is too high and they can’t make much money from it.

But they have not considered one factor. That is, in the second half of the real bull market, many people are reluctant to sell their stocks.

The price comes from supply and demand. Supply is selling and demand is buying. If there is only buying and no selling, then even a small amount of money can push the price of Bitcoin to a very high level.

Will there be many people selling Bitcoin in this bull market? Judging from the current fluctuations, the number is far less. In 2019, it fluctuated by 10% every week.

Now it fluctuates only once every six months. It shows that many people really believe that Bitcoin will reach 1 million US dollars in the future. So I am sure that more people are reluctant to buy it, because these people know that if I sell it, I can't buy it back. If I sell it, it won't improve my life. Why should I sell it? I can't start a business with money and it won't be better than Bitcoin. Why should I sell it?

This bull market will become a stage of reluctance to sell Bitcoin.

Before the bull market, no matter how good the slogans were, I sold them anyway once the bull market was over.

These people once had 1,000 bitcoins in their pockets, but now they have 100, 50, and 10. They are unwilling to sell the last 10. The willingness to buy must be greater than the willingness to sell. That is why the price has risen so much. It has just been halved, and the price is at the peak of the last bull market.

If you don't believe me, then believe the data.

At the peak of the bull market in 2017, the weekly trading volume was about 70,000 to 100,000. In the bull market of 2021, the weekly trading volume was about 360,000 to 500,000. In the second half of the bull market in 2021, the trading volume was about 250,000 to 330,000.

At the low point in early 2023, the weekly trading volume was about 1-1.5 million. That was when I told everyone to buy, buy, buy. This is because institutions are trying their best to buy chips. Otherwise, where would such a large trading volume come from in a bear market?

From March to April 2024, the weekly transaction volume will be around 230,000 to 400,000.

Then the trading volume in the bull market of 2024 will double or triple, which means 720,000 to 1.5 million units traded per week. With such a large trading volume, so many people are reluctant to buy.

Will it be difficult for prices to go up? The upward momentum will be much greater than the bull market in 2021.

If you want to sell in the bull market, you need to look at the relative trading volume. If the trading volume increases from the current 230,000 to 400,000 to 600,000, then to 700,000 to 1.5 million, and finally back to 700,000, then that is your chance to sell. You may not be able to sell at the highest point at this stage.

But this area is undoubtedly the shipping area where you should go.

When Bitcoin reaches over $150,000, there will surely be a lot of news saying that Bitcoin will become the global settlement currency and the world’s best investment, and Bitcoin will definitely reach $300,000.

Everything else is fake. You just need to focus on the trading volume. There are actually very few coins in the exchange, probably less than 2 million.

Everyone is reluctant to sell, and those who buy it put it in their wallets and save it. If the purchase exceeds the supply, it is not difficult for Bitcoin to increase several times.

At this time, you can start the daily fixed selling mode. But remember not to sell all of it, try to keep a 15-20% bottom position, I personally keep 30%.

Please believe me, everything I said is wrong.

I have finished writing, keep it up. I am a masseur in Circle B, an old investor who sincerely wishes you to get rich in the cryptocurrency circle.