Pay attention to the situation of the international financial market:

Due to the introduction of the House of Representatives' support bill last Saturday, there were frequent and multiple small-scale frictions between Russia and Ukraine in the Middle East over the weekend and on Monday, and the United States also stated that it would curb the continued escalation of the conflict. It is highly likely that the support bill will be postponed or rejected. The risk market has expected the situation in the Middle East to cool down, and international bulk prices have fallen slightly.

The main focus this week is the financial reports of US technology stocks, especially Mate's financial report. Mate has risen 36% in 24 years. The release of the financial report will put the company to the test of the market and will also allow traders to re-evaluate the company's situation.

It should be noted that today, Asian stock markets are expected to be driven by US technology stocks. Both Nikkei and Hang Seng closed with gains, while A shares continued to fall slightly.

Among the seven US technology giants, Nvidia's pre-market increase today was the most obvious, reaching 1.64%. After experiencing a sharp decline last Friday, the market expected Nvidia to rebound from oversold.

Meta, also a technology stock, is the focus of this week's financial report, but the current pre-market gains are mediocre, and traders are also worried that the expectations of technology stocks will not meet the target.

Tesla, one of the seven major technology stocks, is the only stock that fell before the market today.

In the case that the situation in the Middle East and the Asia-Pacific region is relatively stable and there is no friction, the bulk prices of gold and crude oil have been sold off, with gold quoted at US$2343 and crude oil quoted at US$86.78. Regarding the decline in gold and crude oil prices, I personally do not think it is a signal of stability. Some capital is taking advantage of the emotional stability period to start selling and lower prices. Reduce the pressure risk brought by prices.

The main basis for me to think so is that the international white sugar rose by 1.37% in a single day. As a strategic sensitive material, white sugar is one of the main strategic materials that the country hoards during sensitive periods. The price of white sugar has risen instead of falling, so I think the international situation may not be as safe as it seems.

It is not bearish, but just a reminder of risks.

The CME Bitcoin futures price is currently quoted at 66,120, continuing to maintain a positive premium of less than 300 points with the spot, and its premium is within the normal range.

After experiencing a small-scale trend breakthrough, Bitcoin still has not stabilized at the core support level of the daily line. Will it continue to break through?Or will it pull back again?
