If I could only write one sentence on my suicide note, I would write: Don't let your account get blown up!!!

Don't do these things in the cryptocurrency circle...

Holding orders without stop loss will lead to more and more losses.

Holding orders without stop loss will eventually lead to a blow up.

It is unwise to hold orders.

It is unwise to hold orders.

It is unwise to hold orders. (Important things should be said three times)

If you can't even protect your principal, how can you talk about compound interest?

Compound interest must be low-risk and there can't be big losses.

Use small risks to exchange for big profit opportunities.

If you are lucky, you are doomed to fail.

Both technical level and mentality are essential.

Learn to reduce losses first before you have a chance to make money.

How you view trading will give you feedback.

If you treat it as gambling and can't make a profit, then it will give you feedback as a gambling addict.

If you treat it as a stock or futures investment, you can achieve small losses and big profits through probability thinking and profit and loss ratio, then it is a tool for your asset appreciation.

Cognition determines your attitude and your method. In turn, your results deepen your cognition of it.

Most people regard contracts as poison, but they don't know the importance of lack of cognition. If you don't play contracts, do you have to rely on luck to get rich?

Contracts are not terrible. Find the bottom to open a position. Before opening a position, you must calculate the stop loss that you can bear. If it is correct, hold it. If it is wrong, stop loss. Repeat the operation, making money is so simple.

Many people regard contracts as poison because they use contracts as a tool for gambling. Remember, students, we are speculators, not gambling addicts.

Again, we are ready for the halving

Observation: omni, bome, sol, ena... The time has not come yet,

When it comes, I will tell you #Meme

Specifically, follow me into the Niu Village🌹#大盘走势 #dot

If you come to me, I will take you ashore, just lie down,

Friends who deduct 8 in the comment area will take you into the Niu Village! (Free)

David will not let David's fans miss out in this bull market! This is the truth

#core #BTC🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥