Central banks of Türkiye and Brazil signed a cooperation agreement.

The central banks of Türkiye and Brazil have established a formal partnership aimed at strengthening cooperation between the two financial institutions. The memorandum of understanding that forms the basis of this enhanced cooperation was signed by the presidents of both banks in Washington on Friday.

This strategic alliance aims to strengthen the relationship between the central banks of the two countries. They aim to develop cooperation in the field of central banking and carry out corporate technical activities. The details of the memorandum underscore a commitment to sharing knowledge and best practices that can benefit both institutions.

Regarding the issue, the Central Bank of Turkey announced that it signed a similar memorandum of understanding with the Central Bank of Kazakhstan. As with Brazil, this agreement is part of Turkey's efforts to expand cooperative ties with other national banks around the world.

The signing of these memorandums of understanding represents a step forward in international banking relations as central banks seek to cooperate more closely on matters of mutual interest. The deals were made against the backdrop of global finance discussions in Washington, where financial leaders from various countries gathered.
