To be honest, I am usually very tired, because I have to make orders that are like works of art. I have to open orders at the lowest point of a sharp rise and short orders at the highest point of a sharp fall. It has been a month now, and the orders are still like this‼ ️After collecting, I have to find a way to write good articles to let others see me, especially in the currency circle, there are still many newcomers and novices who can't understand how high the gold content of our transactions is. He may even say to you, "You make so much money every day, so you just want to cheat my membership fee. Your membership fee is really huge, bigger than completing a work of art in the history of transactions." So think about it and get out of here. We didn't want to collect it in the first place. I am very rich and I am not short of money. I am not a blogger who relies on collecting membership fees to make a living. Membership fees often distract me from trading. I feel like I have to explain to short-term gamblers what stable and profitable transactions are every day. I am really tired. Have you seen my 10 million real orders? I publicly issued 20 orders in the past two months, and only took 4 of the 20 orders issued to everyone for real operations. The real orders doubled twice in 15 days, so tell me how much money my operations make⁉️It was so accurate that many fans wanted to join my total I can't personally spend time to receive you for free, I have to hire an assistant, I have to pay wages, that's how the money comes, I thought about it, the membership fee has been stopped, it's true that I make money by trading, I made a profit of 400,000 u in 15 days of real trading, I'm tired, from the beginning I have always insisted that the chief team only serves a small number of rich people, not because I look down on the poor, there are more than a thousand people in our community, they are very reluctant, they have made at least several times the profit with us, but I don't know who among these thousands of people is a gambler 🤣To be honest, if the gambler had it written on his face, I would have refused him. We made this decision because of the two trading rookie gamblers who appeared among the thousands of people, saying that we didn't send many orders a day, that we held an order for a long time and it was against human nature to make big money and couldn't hold it, we joined forces with thousands of people in the community to cheat him of his membership fee 🤣As a last resort, I stopped and concentrated on trading to complete our work of art in the history of trading #比特币减半 #大盘走势 #token2049