☀️🪙Tenset announced its new IDO, Solarx. ☀️🪙

Introducing SolarX, the groundbreaking project by Tenset that heralds a new era in cryptocurrency mining. In a world where energy consumption and environmental impact are hot topics, SolarX aims to revolutionize the mining process with renewable energy sources.

As the first cryptocurrency supported by solar mining, SolarX brings green energy to the Proof-of-Work blockchain ecosystem. By harnessing the power of the sun, SolarX not only strengthens the mining process but also reduces its environmental footprint.

The SolarX device is pioneering, utilizing solar panels or other renewable energy sources to power the mining process. This innovative approach not only mitigates the environmental impact but also has the potential to lower operational costs.

In an industry often criticized for its high energy consumption, SolarX shines as a beacon of sustainability and innovation. With its commitment to green energy, SolarX sets a new standard for environmentally conscious cryptocurrency mining. Stay tuned as SolarX leads the way towards a greener future for blockchain technology.
