How many people have entered the cryptocurrency world, a land full of mystery and temptation, with dreams, eager to become rich by speculating in cryptocurrency. However, the cryptocurrency world is not a smooth road, but full of thorns and traps. As an old driver who has been working in the cryptocurrency world for ten years, I would like to share some of my own experiences and observations.

First of all, I would like to emphasize that cryptocurrency speculation is not the only way to become rich, or even the safest way. In the cryptocurrency world, there are many other ways to make money, such as mining, participating in primary market investment, etc. These methods often require more patience and expertise, but their returns are often more stable and considerable.

Take my personal experience as an example. I mined Ethereum (ETH) through graphics card mining in 2017, and in April this year, I bought pepe in the primary market. These experiences have made me deeply realize that the real way to make money in the cryptocurrency world is often because we have more extensive and more accurate information than others. And those who rely solely on exchanges to speculate in cryptocurrency often just blindly follow the trend and eventually become the leeks of the market.

In fact, cryptocurrency speculation and contract trading are only relatively low threshold and accuracy methods in the cryptocurrency world. This method is often difficult for ordinary people to grasp the secrets. Spot trading seems simple, but it is slow to make money and is easily affected by market fluctuations; while contract trading is very risky and may lose all your money if you are not careful. Therefore, for most people, currency speculation is not a shortcut to wealth.

So, how can ordinary people find their own way to wealth in the currency circle? I think it is a good choice to pay attention to and participate in various activities in the currency circle. For example, we can swipe the interactive tasks of zks to get airdrops and accumulate a certain amount of initial funds in this way. At the same time, we can also try to create multiple wallet accounts to get more benefits from possible airdrop activities in the future.

To succeed in the currency circle, we also need to continue to learn and improve our professional quality. We need to understand the characteristics of various currencies, market trends, policies and regulations, etc., in order to make more wise investment decisions. In addition, we also need to remain calm and rational, not be affected by short-term market fluctuations, and stick to our investment strategies and principles.

The cryptocurrency world is a place full of opportunities and challenges. Only those who have enough patience and expertise can move forward steadily in this vast ocean and realize their dreams of wealth. Those who rely solely on cryptocurrency speculation and contract trading are often just passers-by in the market and find it difficult to achieve real success. Therefore, we should explore the path to wealth in the cryptocurrency world with a more open and inclusive attitude, constantly learn and improve ourselves, and ultimately realize our dreams of wealth

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