Several sectors that have strengthened in this wave include public chains, Bitcoin ecology, DEX and meme

The strongest public chain is $ton. It is said that it will release a major announcement poster with pictures of tether, stonfi, etc., which should be going to do something with usdt;

$tia is also very strong. There is no direct good news for tia this wave, but the competitor avail is going to issue an airdrop to attract a wave of heat. The rise of $tia should be the return of value after oversold;

$wif is on CB, and $MEW is on bybit. There is nothing much to say about these two. They are the strongest memes in the sol ecology;

$qtum announced its transformation into an AI project, and will soon launch an AI chatbot and AIGC mapping tools; $stx will soon upgrade to Satoshi Nakamoto, etc.

Finally, let’s talk about $fjo’s LBP. The lowest price was 1.8 this morning. Then, as the market rebounded, the price rushed all the way to 2.4. There are still a few hours left, and the price will definitely not return to 2. If you didn’t get on the train at a low point, I suggest waiting for the secondary market to open, maybe there will be a better price.