Now let's talk about the possible war process and its impact on #Bitcoin . First of all, there is no need to be a murderer, wars are sad even if they are between Israel and Iran, which I do not like. What happens always happens to private citizens. Leaders who decide on war are always better protected than civilians.

Coming to our topic.

We have now received our first reaction regarding Israel's#Isfahanattack. What is important is how Iran will respond.

At first, Iran denied the attacks superficially, saying no rockets were fired. This seems to show us that Iran will follow the rhetoric of "If Israel attacks, we will respond harshly". He/she may dismiss this as saying "We do not see this as an attack." That's the impression I get. If Iran counterattacks to protect its authority, we may see a sharp retreat during the day.

But this does not mean sell from here. As I said before, every decline until June is a buying opportunity. It is also risky to buy 100% goods thinking that it has fallen a lot and not buying any goods thinking that it will drop further. We see that even though $TIA fell hard, it recovered very quickly and surpassed the price at which it dropped.

If you don't have the cash to make purchases, just turn off the screen.

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