Upcoming events in the world of cryptocurrency. What awaits us? Growth or decline?

Today the conference #Token2049 began, at which the most famous people from the world #Blochain will share their opinions on the future of technology. And some of them promise to announce projects that will change the industry forever.

In addition, the next one should take place on the 19th-20th #HalvingTime $BTC

So many events packed into several days must necessarily affect price dynamics. The only question is, how exactly?

Some financial analysts believe that the market is overheated with expectations and all these events are already included in the inflated prices of major cryptocurrencies, which means that we will face an inevitable fall.

Others are more optimistic and argue that this is the start of growth, which will lead to a price of $BTC 150,000

Whatever point of view you adhere to, remember that you should not bet all your chips and money on one event, keep in mind the possibility that the situation can change in both directions.

Control your emotions. And if you need help with this, I'm always happy to help. Contact me on my profile