In 2017, I was thinking about a question.

Our country has very strict management of foreign exchange, but some people buy virtual currency and it can turn into US dollars and flow abroad in a blink of an eye, but the country is difficult to control it.

Do you think that this kind of thing that poses a great threat to our foreign exchange control can continue to exist?

Everyone knows what happened later.

On September 30, 2017, the country ordered a ban on virtual currency transactions.

However, some people commented that the country's foreign exchange did not decrease, so the impact was not great.

In fact, when the amount is small, it may not have much impact, but if the amount is large, many people in China sell virtual currency abroad, then someone has to buy it back from abroad. Foreigners don't accept RMB, so foreign exchange must be used at this time.

If you don't understand, think about why the law stipulates that each of us can only bring so much gold when going abroad, as if bringing gold will not affect foreign exchange. But have you ever thought about it, if everyone brings a lot of gold abroad, will foreign exchange also be affected?

If you want to delve deeper into the currency circle, but can't find a clue, you can see my homepage introduction if you want to get started quickly.

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