[JPEX case police received 2,636 reports so far, involving about 1.6 billion yuan, 72 people arrested] Golden Finance reported that Hong Kong Police Commissioner Raymond Siu said that so far, a total of 2,636 reports involving JPEX cases have been received, involving an amount of about 1.6 billion yuan. The police have arrested 72 people so far and frozen assets of about 228 million yuan. At the Legislative Council Special Finance Committee meeting, legislator Wu Jiezhuang asked how many technology crime cases received by the police involved virtual asset fraud. Raymond Siu said that last year, 6,330 investment fraud cases were received, with a loss of more than 5.9 billion yuan, accounting for about two-thirds of the total loss of all fraud cases. Among them, 2,342 cases involved cryptocurrencies, with an amount of about 3.16 billion yuan.