😱🔥Telegram founder Durov: I have hundreds of millions of dollars worth of Bitcoin, but I don't have a house

#PavelDurov the founder of #Telegram a messaging and sharing application whose number of users has increased significantly recently, said that he has hundreds of millions of dollars and keeps a significant part of this money in Bitcoin. Durov, who also stated that he attached importance to decentralization, expressed that he did not like the luxurious life.

This life is not for me, I don't like it.”

Durov, while giving details about his own life in an interview of about 1 hour, said that he has hundreds of millions of dollars, but he does not have assets such as a house or a yacht, a private plane:

“I have made serious money for the last 10 years and I have hundreds of millions of dollars in both my bank account and Bitcoin, but I do not have a private plane, a yacht or a house that I own. That life that the rich live is not for me. I don't like it and find it unnecessary. I'm focusing on Telegram and what we're doing for it. Yeah, I don't have a house either. You ask why? Because I am a person who is fond of my freedom. If I have a house, I will depend on it. Everyone does. Of course, these are my personal ideas. I also respect the people who are. If I had a private plane, if I had a yacht, I would spend time with them. This will cause me to compromise my energy and time. I want to focus on Telegram and contribute to people's freedoms.

Stating that there is not even a human resources unit at Telegram, he met one-on-one with engineers both before and after the recruitment, Durov said that they carried out the recruitment processes through a platform that they started on their own and which is decentralized again:

“We organize various competitions and sometimes hire the winners there. We're not taking everyone. Just because you win the competition does not mean that you will get a job. We do the negotiations ourselves. For this reason, we do not need a department such as human resources. We have even decentralized it”

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