I would like to emphasize how important the flow of funds is in the cryptocurrency circle. Since Grayscale intervened in the last bull market, the stock of Bitcoin in all exchanges has been declining. The topic of data dumping should be familiar to everyone. There is no complete conclusion on this matter until now. In my conclusion: data dumping does happen.

Why is the probability of Bitcoin plummeting smaller after the stock of Bitcoin in the exchange continues to decline? Take this plunge as an example. Bitcoin fell by more than ten points in two days. Compared with the previous period when Bitcoin fell by more than 10% or 20% in a single day, Bitcoin now seems to have become "stable" because the chips are in various wallets and in the hands of various institutions. If you want to make a data dump, you must first have a large amount of "data".

The current exchanges do not have so much data, so it will cause the Shanzhai waterfall. But it cannot be said that the Shanzhai coins have not fallen. The decline is limited and it does not reach the level of 312. You can ask the people around you if all the Shanzhai coins in your hands are in the exchange? Because the exchange integrates various chains and various coins, it is indeed more convenient to put them in the exchange. What I want to say here is: if your assets are greater than 500,000 RMB, please transfer your assets to your wallet. When you want to sell, you can exchange them on the chain or transfer them to the exchange.

When you have a large amount of capital flow, you can do a lot! Let me talk about staking again. Staking is simply like bank storage. 🐍qun蟋紴:1742540051 I give you my assets, and you pay me interest. If you put it in the currency circle, once this asset increases, it will have a "pricing power" for the pledge itself, (except BTC), especially for small market capitalization. For example,#ethsis an example. It can be seen from the price trend before and after the pledge that, let alone the big market waterfall, how much did eths increase in a single day before the big market waterfall? How much did it fall back? Can you say this is a market behavior? It's ridiculous.

There are also strong currencies in the big market waterfall, and there are also currencies that fall less. It seems to be an "endorsement" to ensure the safety of funds, but in fact, I take your "principal" to make a profit, and then send you air as interest.$BTC #比特币减半 #Meme #SHIB #Fet #PDA