In the Web3 world, the common characteristics of those who have successfully landed!

① Don't follow the trend blindly. They won't rush to buy when they see an increase, nor will they rush to sell when they see a drop. They will calmly analyze and find the right time.

② Bottom-up position. Buy at the low point of the monthly trend line, and then wait patiently for the market to pick up.

③ Get out in time. Sell when you make 3 times the profit, don't be greedy, and know when to stop.

④ Don't do small bands. Small bands are too risky. They prefer to hold the mainstream for a long time and wait for the value to rise.

⑤ Adequate funds. They have enough funds in their hands to stay calm even if the market fluctuates.

⑥ No FOMO. They will not buy or sell impulsively because they are afraid of missing out, and always act according to their own plans. #比特币减半 #大盘走势