In this round of correction, we must seize the layout of high-quality copycat spot. Let me talk about the logic first:

First, this round of decline has rebounded by at least 35%-60%, and there is a capital tray below.

Second, test the daily Vegas channel again, and the long-term bullish structure of the large cycle must not be destroyed.

Third, the top and bottom exchange key positions, the second layer of resonance

Fourth, all are hot sectors, new currencies, light vehicles, and huge potential in the future.

Fifth, since it is a bottom-fishing, it is a pure left-side transaction. It is recommended to just layout the position. Similarly, the spot should also stop loss and exit to avoid being locked for a long time. Time is money, my friend.

1. AI sector: FET, recommended entry point 1.48/1.04, sell at a loss if it falls below 0.7

2. Modular sector: TIA, recommended entry point 7.8/5.1, sell at a loss if it falls below 4.4

3. Ethereum staking: ETHFI, recommended entry point 3.2/2.8, sell at a loss if it falls below 2.4

4. Game sector: YGG, recommended entry point 0.71/0.56, sell at a loss if it falls below 0.4

5 .LAYER2 sector: op, recommended entry point 1.88/1.51, sell at a loss if it falls below 1.1

6.MEME sector: pepe, recommended entry point 0.0039, sell at a loss if it falls below 0.0035

7.Ecological sector: sol, recommended entry point 115/90, sell at a loss if it falls below 75

Recently, the popularity of meme and LAYER2 has dropped rapidly, so you should take the loss when it is necessary, and put your bullets on strong currencies.