Before the bull market came, liquidation of contract leverage was the norm of violent operations.

Looking back at the bull market in 2021, all those who were long were forced to liquidate through the liquidation action on March 12, and almost all long positions were liquidated on that day. #大盘走势

Even most short sellers, who wanted to buy at the bottom after seeing the price plummet, were forced to liquidate.

Only a few professional short sellers were left, who had been cautious and would not open excessive positions, but this market also involved them. #比特币减半

The bull market in 2017 was even more crazy than ever. At that time, almost the entire cryptocurrency market was dominated by Chinese investors. As a result, before September 4, the number of liquidations was difficult to count, and even all domestic exchanges were forced to relocate. #etf #Meme

Even investors holding physical currencies found that they could no longer find a place to buy after clearing their chips. However, in the two months after September 4, Bitcoin and other altcoins soared, and the price of Bitcoin directly broke through the nearly $20,000 mark.

Summary: History tells us that after a severe wash, there are countless stories of contract investors who rose later. Therefore, I suggest that everyone try to avoid excessive use of contract leverage, but hold spot and wait and see.

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