In response to the devastating earthquakes that recently hit Taiwan, Binance Charity will airdrop up to $1 million in BNB to Binance users identified as residing in earthquake-affected areas. the tragedy.

User identification will be based on their KYC (identity verification) or POA (proof of address) information indicating that they reside in Hualien County, which has suffered the most significant impact.

Users who have completed KYC verification or proof of address before April 5, 2024 in the Hualien County area will receive $120 in BNB directly to their Binance accounts. Additionally, we will donate $25 in BNB to the Binance accounts of all existing users in the region who registered before April 5, 2024 and completed proof of address between April 5 and April 20, 2024 (both dates inclusive).

We expect funds to reach eligible users starting April 8, 2024.

In recent years, blockchains and cryptocurrencies have provided a new, faster, cheaper, and more transparent way to make charitable donations. Furthermore, using digital assets allows donations to be delivered directly to beneficiaries without intermediaries, and also gives beneficiaries more freedom to prioritize their needs regarding the use of funds.

Binance CEO Richard Teng said: “We are deeply saddened by the impact of the recent strong earthquake in Taiwan. We hope to lend a hand to the people affected by the disaster. "We also encourage those people who have received donations but were not affected by the earthquake to transfer the funds to people who really need them."

At this critical time, Binance stands by our users and our community. In the past, Binance Charity has also supported users in Ukraine, Turkey, Libya, and Morocco.

For more information, see this Binance Charity FAQ.

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