Compare Data Availability costs on Ethereum


Hello everyone, Trong currently sees that the community is quite hyped about @CelestiaOrg when everyone knows that $TIA is the leading project in the DA segment. But in reality, $TIA's DA is 28 times more expensive than $NEAR, with @ethereum being 87,800 times (after update EIP-4844 Ethereum's DA will be 4800 times).

For those of you who don't know, Data Availability (DA) will help Validators/Nodes in the network have enough reliable data from the past, thereby authenticating and creating new data and then storing it. into Blockchain. In short, DA is a data storage solution for L1s and NEAR is the best project in this field because their infrastructure is very strong and stable (never had a network failure) and extremely low costs.

Projects using NEAR DA include: @arbitrum, @dymension, @alt_layer, @Starknet and @0xPolygon,... NEAR DA will have 2 fee sources including network storage fee + tx fee on NEAR (calculated in blocks) and this unintentionally causes $NEAR to deflate faster. Especially when Layer2 ecosystems explode, NEAR will also benefit from its DA service. You can imagine when the GameFi wave comes, especially when fully-onchain games launch, how terrible the amount of data will be.


That's how great NEAR's infrastructure and technology is. Later, if you see someone post an article saying $TIA is the boss in the DA segment, you just need to quietly send this article to them.
