1. When the price of the currency rises steadily, each small pullback is like a short rest stop, which is a good time to buy. Remember, there is no currency that will only rise and never fall. The pullback is like a spring that is compressed in order to jump higher.

2. If the price of the currency drops significantly, every rebound is a good opportunity to sell. Once the trend deteriorates, it may take a long time to rise again, so don't hold on and don't waste time.

3. Short-term rises and falls depend on emotions and fundamentals. In the long run, don't just focus on the small rises and falls in front of you, but look at the overall trend. When the mood is there, the fundamentals determine the extent of the rise.

4. Don't think that what you judge is the bottom. Many times it is only halfway up the mountain. The real bottom depends on emotions and capital flow. Don't blindly buy the bottom, otherwise you may be stuck.

5. Don't believe good news easily. The real market is often driven by expectations. Many people like to listen to news to speculate in coins, but many times they only hear what others want you to hear. When you know it, the market is almost over.

6. Don't increase leverage casually. This will not make it easier for you to win, but will increase the risk. Once you lose money, the loss will be magnified many times. Don't add risk to yourself.

#比特币减半 #大盘走势


Again, if you don't know what to do in a bull market, click on my profile picture and follow the pinned content. Bull market spot planning, free sharing.