Whether tomorrow will be brilliant depends on your choices and actions today. Whether you wait and see, watch others cheering, or join in and create brilliance together depends on you. In the morning, Brother Shanhe once again suggested that the market should be mainly short after the midnight bearish thinking. From the morning high of 63879, the big cake has fluctuated downward all the way, and the lowest point has reached 62224. From the morning high of 3119, the ether has fluctuated downward all the way to the lowest point of 3023. In the morning and in the morning, we mainly shorted the orange. The two shorts of the big cake have now taken a total of 2070 points of space, and the two shorts of the ether have taken a total of more than 120 points of space. There is no need to say more about strength. No matter how much you say, only your personal experience can convince you. Hangqin is there all the time. Follow Brother Shanhe. It is never too late.

As far as the current market is concerned, the shorts have entered again to form a small cycle break, so it is inevitable to continue. It has now fallen below the 62,000 mark and the 3,000 mark. Then, shorting on rebound is still our first choice. When the volatility base increases, the rebound will not be small. A strong rebound means a weak correction. A weak rebound means a strong correction. The trend at all levels is still obviously short, and you can boldly go short by relying on the short-term high point defense during the day. If the rebound is not strong, you can go short directly. Only by making flexible changes in the market can you grasp the trend space of the short position.

In the afternoon, you can go short directly at 62900-62600 for big cakes, and focus on 61500-60500. You can go short directly at 3070-3050 for Ethereum, and focus on 2950-2900.

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