At your request, I have prepared a second part about how not to waste money in crypto.

1. If you plan to trade in crypto, then select 2, maximum 3 coins and trade only them. Better yet, trade only one coin. By trading only one coin, you will greatly protect yourself.

2. Place stop loss orders so as not to lose everything.

3. Trade only on spot and only 1, maximum 2-3 coins. Don't get involved in futures. You won't earn anything there, don't fool yourself. You will only lose your deposit sooner or later.

4. Try not to sell yourself at a disadvantage; wait until you reach at least a symbolic disadvantage. Until I sold it, I didn’t lose it.

5. Invest as much as you are willing to lose.

6. Don’t take “analysts”, news and crypto bloggers seriously. They all have one goal - to take your money, always remember this. It's just all noise that doesn't give you the right to your own analytics. I have never made money by listening to someone's advice, but I have often made money by listening to my opinion. And I advise you to trust yourself, and not someone on the Internet.

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