I want to offer you this type of income. You and I are uniting in a closed telegram channel in order to jointly buy altcoin, thereby spurring its growth, and then we also sell it together. That's it in a nutshell. Now, in order. Let’s say there are 200 of us, each with $1,000. The total amount is 200 thousand dollars. Further: for this we need a general chat, where we will agree when and what to buy. Conducting a general analysis 🧐 of one or another altcoin and, together with a unanimous decision to buy at the same time, thereby artificially raising the price of the altcoin. How high? I think it’s possible to raise 🤔 2-3 times. As soon as this happens, we also sell together. There are dozens of altcoins on exchanges that are currently at the bottom, but have good potential growth and have a low capitalization and a small number in circulation for this. In a month, I think it’s realistic to buy and sell coins this way 3 to 4 times. The larger our budget, the better the start for the growth of coins. Thus, with 1000 dollars we can earn 3000 dollars and more per month. Write in the comments how you like this offer.