Is the opportunity to buy at the bottom? The currency market plummeted. How to seize the investment opportunity without losing money?

In the past few days, Bitcoin and many altcoins have fallen. I guess everyone feels bad, unless you didn't buy them. Don't be too sad if you lose money. After all, it's not a real loss if you haven't sold them yet. Let's just take it as a relief.

Those who play contract liquidation, hey, there's really nothing to say. But this decline is not that exaggerated. The amount of liquidation has not yet reached 1 billion. Think about the real bull market, and the liquidation can reach 40 billion in one day. That's really exciting!

Having said that, now is actually a good opportunity to buy at the bottom. But don't rush to invest all your money, take your time, and wait and see after the halving. During this period, I will share with you some new investment ideas and tips.

Friends who are still struggling with what to buy can pay attention to ondo, ethfi, ena, tia, bnb and Dogecoin. Their general direction is still upward, but investment, still have to be slow, safety first!

Finally, I want to say that the market is like the weather, always changing. But as long as we stay calm and not impulsive, we will definitely find opportunities to make money. Come on, let's welcome the next spring of the market together!

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