A group member got hundreds of thousands of free in one night! You can do the same after reading this article

The market keeps falling, and the only hope in the near future is OMNI. Although the number of airdrops found so far is less than expected, the fact that OMNI can be launched on Binance is indeed far beyond expectations.

The total amount of OMNI tokens is 100 million, and the initial circulation is only 10,391,492, of which Binance Lanchpool can mine 3.5 million.

For the OMNI project, it is really familiar. Their predecessor was DAO liquidity provider Rift. In February 2022, it announced the completion of 18 million financing, led by Pantera and participated by Coinbase. Last year, it was transformed into L1 and renamed OMNI.

I started the CX project in February 2022 and participated in almost all activities, combining MOD, contributor, AMA/deposit POAP, etc. Later, the project transformed, and the MOD and contributor identities were removed, leaving only OG (a total of 162 communities).

According to common sense, the OMNI airdrop will give weight to OG and POAP holders, but the currently announced rules do not take both into account. Fortunately, the current airdrop plan does not seem to be the final version. I hope the team will listen to the opinions of the community and focus on taking care of OG and POAP holders. After all, we are the old friends who have been with the project for 3 years.

It is gratifying that many group members have won $OMNI under my repeated CX. Some group members made a temporary assault with multiple accounts and easily won hundreds of them. Congratulations in advance.

Through the OMNI airdrop, I want to emphasize two points: you think it is too little, but there are actually more people who are carrying the burden, such as me; for projects with a history of transformation, if you continue to be optimistic, take the attitude of treating new projects and win.

Complaints are complaints, but you still can't forget why you started in the first place. It's like you have worked hard to lick the goddess for many years, but the goddess married and had children with someone else. All you can do is wish her happiness. Next, let's take a comprehensive look at OMNI, the "goddess":

① Project Overview

Omni was formerly Rift, and is currently an interoperability layer based on Ethereum, enabling developers to program global applications across the entire Rollup ecosystem of Ethereum.

The official adopts a dual pledge model of re-staking ETH and its own OMNI tokens, and protects its validator set through re-staking ETH, making its security consistent with Ethereum L1, thereby achieving higher stability.

②Team background

OMNI core members all have Harvard backgrounds, which is top-notch in the entire Web3 field.

@0xASK: CEO, graduated from Harvard University and Stanford University, worked at Ripple and Microsoft

@ttarsi_: CTO, graduated from Harvard University, and then worked as a teaching assistant in Harvard Mathematics Department

@MattPoreda: COO, graduated from St. Petersburg State University and Harvard Business School, worked at IBM and Harvard Kennedy School

As the earliest contributor to OMNI, I sincerely give a suggestion to several bosses: the airdrop range should take into account community OG and POAP holders as much as possible, as they are the earliest supporters.

③Financing situation

According to Binance research reports, Omni raised $18.1 million through two rounds of private token sales, totaling 20.1% of the total token sales, with unit prices of $0.18 and $1.5 respectively in the two rounds.

Omni has good investors, including Pantera, Coinbase and other large institutions, as well as Ma Ti, Aave/Lens founders.

④Project highlights

Referring to Binance Research Report, Omni has the following 4 highlights:

Dual staking model: Omni is a proof-of-stake network protected by the total value of re-staked ETH and staked OMNI.

Sub-second verification: Omni nodes use CometBFT consensus to process cross-aggregate messages and Omni EVM transactions within one second, using alternative finalization mechanisms such as pre-confirmation and transaction insurance, which can provide sub-second finalization for cross-aggregate messages.

Diverse aggregation support: Omni is designed with minimum integration requirements to ensure compatibility with any aggregate virtual machine, programming language, and data availability architecture.

Backward compatibility: Applications can integrate Omni without modifying existing smart contracts. Instead, applications can use modified front-end instructions to send cross-aggregate messages through Omni.

⑤ Airdrop rules

According to the Genesis airdrop rules previously announced by the official, 3% of the total tokens will be used for airdrops, and the distribution plan is as follows↓

·Omni community allocation: 1.5 million, accounting for 50%

·EigenLayer re-staking users: 400,000, accounting for 13.3%

·Beacon chain Solo stakers: 300,000, accounting for 10%

·Milady Maker and Redacted Remilio Babies NFT holders: 380,000, accounting for 12.7%

·Pudgy Penguin NFT holders: 170,000, accounting for 5.7%

·Ninjas NFT holders: 75,000, accounting for 2.5%

·Strategic cooperation agreement allocation: 175,000, accounting for 5.8%

After reading this rule, I am both happy and sad. I am happy that my fat penguin can get dozens of coins, which is more than many users who have participated in the test from beginning to end. I am sad that the role and POAP I got during the Rift period have no weighting.

Currently, the airdrop plan is controversial, focusing on two points:

1) The airdrop share given to the external NFT community is large, which dilutes the proportion of members of this community

2) The OG identity representing loyal supporters has no weighting, and the POAP that is saved by saving money on the main network with dozens of dollars of gas is useless

Today, DC means that the airdrop rules are still being revised, and a last-minute reversal is not ruled out. It is recommended that early supporters unite and calmly feedback their demands, and at the same time hope that the team will listen to the opinions of the community widely.