#ORDI, Today is April 14, 2024. History will not repeat itself, but it will be surprisingly similar!

After two consecutive days of big plunges, many people have fallen numb. Those who hold orders hold orders, those who have liquidated their positions, and all the large groups are silent, as if they are waiting for a certain moment to come!

In the last round of bull market in 2021, according to the deduction of historical market conditions, we are now at the third top. Last night's big pin directly broke the sideways trading area for nearly a month, and the bottom hit a new low, which is surprisingly similar to the historical market! As for whether there will be a fourth top, we don’t know, but what we know is that it’s time for the bull to bow its head and drink water. Only when it is full can the bull take off.

Some partners have the first top layout, and some have the second top layout. If this wave is directly empty, partners who have not yet arranged short orders in advance, we must pay attention to the third top layout and pay attention to the 4-hour level short order to enter the market. If you are short at this time, it’s time to prepare bullets. The last big retracement was as much as 55%, so how much will this round of retracement be? Let's look forward to it together.

Today's trading ideas:

ORDI is currently on the short side at the 2/4 hour level. Pay attention to the two positions near 52.157/56.360 today. As long as the market does not break these two positions in this rebound, the 4-hour level is still on the short side, and the market will continue to go short. The lower target will first look at 42.742/39.620, and short-term watch the market operation.

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