Today is April 14, 2024. History will not repeat itself, but it will be surprisingly similar!

The two-day plunge has hit market participants hard. Whether they stick to their positions or suffer from liquidation, families of all sizes have fallen into silence, as if waiting for the arrival of a critical moment.

Recalling the last bull market, that was in 2021. According to the historical market trend, we seem to be at the third top. The violent fluctuations in the market last night directly broke the sideways trend of nearly a month, and the bottom price hit a new low, which is surprisingly similar to the historical market trend!

As for whether there will be a fourth top, we are not sure at present. But one thing is clear, that is, the market needs to go through a period of adjustment, just like a cow bowing its head to drink water. Only when it is full of water can the cow accumulate strength to take off again.

Some partners have made arrangements at the top of the first or second mountain. For those partners who have not yet arranged short orders in advance, they should now pay attention to the layout opportunities of the third mountain top, especially looking for short entry points at the 4-hour level.

If you are in a short position now, it is time to prepare ammunition.

The last time the market fell back, the magnitude of the retracement reached 55%. What will be the magnitude of this round of retracement? Let us look forward to the next move of the market together!

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