$XAI The time I decided to invest was when there was information about preparing to launch V2 with many improvements and also when I was in a winning position when I had put all the principal and profit from other projects. Wrong starting from here until now #XAI is the investment project I lost the most at the moment when I nearly divided the capital in 3 and to correct my ignorance and lack of discipline in following my own strategy, I have Cancel the order to buy more XAI at $0.70 when the price drops to $0.95 and reset the buy order at the price range of 0.45x. This decision is correct in the immediate future, but may also be wrong in the near future if XAI recovers. recover quickly. However, my personal opinion is always engraved in the mind that THERE'S MORE MONEY AND THERE'S OPPORTUNITY, accepting that I can definitely eat less and if I survive in this crypto market for a long time, I will be able to win a lot and I have this mindset after 3 seasons of tails. face this market.

Note: This is just a personal opinion, not investment advice. #BinanceVietnamSquare #hotTrends #TrendingTopic