
Newbies in the cryptocurrency circle, are you also curious about what the six stages of the bull market are? Which stage are we in now?

Let the God of War give you a simple popular science!

The first stage: Don’t believe it will rise. At this stage, everyone thinks that the market will not rise and is skeptical.

The second stage: Believe that it will fall back. After the market starts to rise, many people think that this is only temporary and will fall back.

The third stage: Rise to disbelief. The market continues to rise, and the increase exceeds everyone’s expectations. Everyone dares not believe it.

The fourth stage: Rise to believe. The market continues to rise, and everyone begins to believe that the market will really rise.

The fifth stage: Don’t believe it if it doesn’t rise. The market enters a period of adjustment, and the increase slows down. Everyone begins to doubt whether the market will rise again.

The sixth stage: Don’t believe it will not rise. The market enters a period of decline, and everyone begins to believe that the market will fall, and thinks it will rise back. →村委会