The reason for the crash has been found!

Institutions cooperated with the Middle East conflict and the spot ETFs of Bitcoin and Ethereum in Hong Kong next week to crash the market, sucking a wave of bloody chips! 🔥🔥🔥

According to Bloomberg: Hong Kong will approve Bitcoin and Ethereum spot ETFs as early as next Monday

According to people familiar with the matter, Hong Kong will approve Bitcoin and Ethereum spot ETFs as early as next Monday.

Earlier news, in the early morning of April 10, the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission updated the list of fund companies for virtual asset management on its official website, adding Harvest Global Asset Management Co., Ltd. and China Asset Management (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd., that is, in addition to the original traditional asset management business of these public funds, new virtual asset management business has been added.

$BTC $ETH #比特币减半 #大盘走势 #新币挖矿 #BTC #ETF