The stock price plummeted again in the morning. The cottage industry has returned to the starting point, and the big cake has fallen below the fixed investment line. People with money are relieved and can continue to invest.

It took 4 months to go up and two days to fall down. This is the truth of the cryptocurrency world.

You must learn to lose before you can win. You must gain experience from your own experiences.

My consistent strategy towards copycats is that as long as I can make some money, it doesn't matter how much I make, as long as I can exchange the money for big profits.

I know that most currencies are just efficient tools for transferring wealth, and of course what is transferred is the wealth of inexperienced people.

Therefore, it is best to accumulate experience as early as possible before the bull market breaks out. Paying more to learn more and asking more questions is the fastest way.

Using the money you were supposed to lose to buy the experience of people who have lost money is a great bargain for newcomers. If you don’t do this kind of thing, you are not suitable for the cryptocurrency circle.

When the bull market breaks out, I earn the basic returns of the market, while those who rush into the copycat earn returns that exceed the market.

From this round of plunge, Bitcoin fell 13.6% from its highest point. ETH fell 27%.

Other coins have fallen from their highs. For example, Dogecoin fell by 35%, Pepe fell by 50%, OP fell by 50%, ARB fell by 50%, and Ordi fell by 52%.

The way to make money is actually the art of selling.

If you are determined not to sell counterfeit goods, they will eventually turn into bubbles and shatter like dreams.

The profit of copycat stocks is fast, but the decline is too fast. By the time you react, you are either stuck for a long time or have been cut bloody. So what you can do is to have your own discipline, sell when you need to, and sell when you should, and earn the amount you are satisfied with. My most satisfied amount is 25-300%. It is not too greedy.

The general psychology of newcomers in the cryptocurrency circle can be summarized as follows:

When the market is soaring, you make money and want to make more, because of greed you don't sell, when it falls to the bottom you want to cut your losses, when it rebounds you want to recover your investment and take profits.

If you avoid these few things, you will avoid 90% of the pitfalls.

I have seen many people say that they would rather go back to zero than sell, and that a profit of 5 times is nothing. I want to make a hundred times. I am here to turn things around, not to double my money.

Of course it is possible to get rich. Just buy Bitcoin for 8-12 years. The stronger your ability to make money, the faster you will turn around. The weaker your ability to make money, the longer it will take to turn around.

It is very dangerous to buy a fake product and hope to get rich overnight. This is a gambling mentality.

Last month, a friend of mine borrowed money to buy csas rats btcs. He said that it was too easy to make money in the cryptocurrency circle and that he would make several million this year. I calculated that I had already lost 60%. This is the mentality of gambling.

It is worthwhile to take out 30% of your assets to buy Bitcoin. I think it is not gambling but a barbell strategy to buy altcoins and take out 3% of your assets to buy Bitcoin.

The car is too heavy and there is a high possibility of it overturning. When the price plummets, you will feel desperate and unable to hold on, which means you will earn nothing.

Many people say that I will hold on, I will definitely be able to hold on. Then why can't you hold on to the fact that Bitcoin is slowly rising? You can't even hold on to the rise, and you want to hold on to the fall. This is not being realistic.

Stock up, configure. Don't move, the six-character mantra says that what is stocked is the big pie, and what is configured is a small amount of cottages. Don't move around and make a good strategy.

The 10% of copycats and the 1% of various air coins in the copycats are destined to let you feel the market and get a little bit of excess returns if you are lucky, rather than allowing you to use them to change your destiny.

Please believe me, everything I said is wrong.

I have finished writing, keep it up. I am a masseur in Circle B, an old investor who sincerely wishes you to get rich in the cryptocurrency world.