Things to do before the halving:


If you are a long-term investor, you have not yet fully invested, and you are optimistic about the future of the cryptocurrency market, then you must prepare funds quickly. As the saying goes, the army has not moved, but the food and grass must be sent first!


If short-term players are afraid of short-term fluctuations, they can reduce their positions first and come back when the time is right. After all, if you don’t run away from the mountain, you will not worry about having no firewood to burn!


Contract players should be careful. The market will be turbulent before and after the halving. It is recommended to close the order before going to bed. Safety first, take it slow.


If you are a novice and you are itching to enter the market after seeing the new high of Bitcoin, then follow me to learn about the cryptocurrency market and lay a solid foundation. After all, a tall building is built from the foundation, and glory depends on yourself!