
Hey! So people keep following me, itā€™s not a lot but itā€™s more than before. Thank you.

Remember we will be rich. You have to follow the plan I announce otherwise itā€™s gonna be slower and harder.

Exactly at 0,0097 I remember telling my followers I bought as much as I could. And I did.

I leveraged some and my position has improved a lot. My isolated has to be recovered bc Iā€™m just a poor analyst , but if you have money to hold, do hoDl to yours with your life. my isolated gainings (Iā€™m selling right now at around 0,0102 ) Iā€™m moving all of this to my Spot wallet and buying BOME for my spot.

I canā€™t stress this enough. You donā€™t care about making a hundred or even a thousand dollars today or tomorrow. The one and only thing thatā€™s on your mind is to accumulate more BOME.

You enter positions with X BOME and you exit with X BOME + More BOME.

We want to be rich. We donā€™t want pocket change. And BOME is the way, brothers and sisters.

Remember , I said I bought as much as I could. Thatā€™s all my money. You should never do this, and Iā€™ve done less than three times in all my crypto existence where Iā€™ve more than x15 several times and Iā€™ve lost oh Iā€™ve lostā€¦..

Long BOME guys. If you want to be rich.

Imaginary Lawyer out!! ggs