April 13, 2024 Grandpa checks in

The market was slaughtered in the early morning. People who like high leverage may find that their positions are gone when they wake up in the morning. Even if the spot positions held by the copycat are too large, the book losses of this wave are not small. In the past period of time, I have made sufficient reminders on the risk control of the market. Whether it is the time window or the price window, we have many opportunities to stop profit. As I said before, my personal positions have been halved relative to the bear market, and the funds sold are used for arbitrage. I am still very satisfied with this wave of operations. Although the positions held inevitably incurred losses, they are all within an acceptable range. After all, no one can accurately predict the decline before it.

In fact, you will find that this wave of sharp decline is only concentrated in the cottage industry. The price of Bitcoin still has not fallen below the support of 66,000 points, and even rebounded after the decline. On the contrary, the rebound strength of the cottage industry that plummeted is weaker this time. I mentioned a few days ago that from the K-line of some early strong cottage industries, there are obvious signs of the main force fleeing. Whether it is the recent sideways trading of cottage industries at high levels or the sharp drop in the early morning, it has verified my judgment. In this case, from the perspective of funds, I am not optimistic about the market in the next 1-2 months.

Judging from the price of Bitcoin, perhaps the main funds of B-circle and the over-the-counter funds mainly composed of ETFs have also had differences in the future trend of the market. The main forces of B-circle have made a lot of money in this wave of market, especially many copycats have increased by double digits, so it is understandable that they retreat. As for Bitcoin, due to the existence of ETF buying, the trend has diverged from the market. In other words, if the previous rhythm of B-circle is followed, this wave of market will basically continue to fluctuate widely, and it will be difficult to have new breakthroughs. As for the buying of ETF funds, I personally think it is not enough to change this fact.

Generally speaking, there will be a rebound after a sharp drop. Although the rebound of the cottage industry has not been as strong as before, I have gradually added back the positions that I previously reduced. As for buying the bottom with more funds, I want to wait for two days to see, because the big cake has not broken through this wave of decline. It is conceivable that once the big cake breaks through and falls, there will be many opportunities to pick up gold in the market. Another point is that it often takes time to repair after a big drop, and the probability of a second drop after a big drop is also greater, so we can observe for two days and add more positions in batches after it stabilizes.

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