There are various staking agreements in the market now, and there are many activities to attract people to pledge, as well as new member recruitment activities of various centralized exchanges, or similar staking activities, etc. Due to limited principal, we can only calculate the rate of return and maximize the rate of return on principal. Some parameters and currency prices can be quantified, but some, such as the project pua level, coin issuance plan, etc., cannot be quantified, which leads to the existence of gambling elements in it. Why talk about this series? Because I found that the group friends around me are very good at calculation. If you can't work hard to be a good currency scientist, then you must work hard to become a currency actuary. Relying on others to feed you will always be a step behind. Sometimes, if you are late for a while, the cost will be raised a lot. Everyone can calculate, including the pledge nesting doll agreement, various one fish five meals, one fish six meals, but the nesting While mining, you should also take full account of the risks. If you have five or six projects and you have won one, you will not be a loser. For beginners, start by calculating the quantitative returns. For example, during the #Launchpool period a while ago, u could be exchanged for $FDUSD to mine $SAGA , or it could be exchanged for usde to mine #ENA at Bitgate. In the meantime, you should consider the premium of fdusd, the price of usde, the wear and tear of withdrawals, and the wear and tear of transactions. Since the price of ENA has been fluctuating, the new saga coin can only refer to the over-the-counter price, so it can only be calculated as a rough return. Finally, I calculated the best solution based on my cognition, which is to redeem it one and a half days in advance before the end of mining SAGA, with less premium loss, and then exchange usdt for usde on the chain, rush into the exchange, and start mining in different accounts. The activity ended at 4 pm yesterday, but it was said that there was a new mine yesterday, so I exchanged all usde for fdusd in the morning. Such calculations can only be the introduction to actuarial science. If you like to study, you can go and see the yt and pt designs of pendle, which are very interesting.