Mr. Yang Jiang said:

If one day, a kind person loses,

then she probably loses not because she is not smart enough,

but because she is soft-hearted, trustful,

loyal, and emotional.

But if you lose, don't be depressed, don't be sad,

and don't lose your kindness because of it.

The law of this universe is that smart people eat honest people,

honest people eat God, and God eats smart people.

In life, gains and losses, blessings and disasters,

often follow each other like shadows.

If you treat people kindly and give them blessings,

even if you are let down, you don't have to mind.

Since ancient times, the way of heaven is reincarnation,

and what is lost will always return in another form.

Blessings are like water, flowing endlessly. Today it flows from one place,

and tomorrow it may flow from another corner.

So, you just need to be kind,

and blessings will come unexpectedly.

Why should you be obsessed with revenge on those who have wronged you, deceived you, and hurt you?

Every grievance, every tear, every inch of pain in life will be compensated in unexpected ways in places you cannot see. Being entangled in other people's evil deeds is nothing but self-torture. Only by learning to let go can you gain inner freedom and peace.