While eating, I saw that everyone was so panicked online, so I quickly looked at the data to report the current situation to everyone.

First of all, in terms of the international situation, Big Goose, Ozawa, Brother Lang, the slippers brothers and Israel are basically in a tit-for-tat state, especially Brother Lang and the Americans, who are ready to fight. Let's see who will compromise first in the end. In the Far East, the foot basin, the stick and the other part of the Americans are also not quiet, and it is obvious that there are some potential forces.

As for who is targeted, those who understand will understand, and those who don't understand I don't want to explain too much.

At present, the international situation is basically still in a superficial struggle, and they are all shouting at each other temporarily, and no one wants to really do it. The good thing is that everyone is still at the stage of talking on paper, and the bad news is that the mood is a bit nervous at present. At this time, don't be stupid and do stupid things.

Bitcoin has looked at the daily trend at present, which is basically a daily Bollinger band shock. The short-term price decline is effectively supported by the second support of 65,500 mentioned yesterday.

The good news is that it has not fallen below for the time being, and the bad news is that the daily Bollinger Bands are still shrinking. If the price cannot break through the upper track of the daily line before shrinking, it may be a test for the future trend and the strength of the support level.

Bitcoin has not fallen below the effective core support, and the cottage market has been scared. This method is still caused by emotional panic. To put it bluntly, the cottage market represents a high-risk area in the crypto market. At present, the emotions of global investors are a bit panicked by geopolitical factors, and the cottage market with too heavy risk atmosphere must have someone fleeing. It is human nature to avoid risks during sensitive periods. We can't do anything, but try not to cause stampedes.

In terms of data, Asian funds have flowed out slightly, and US funds have suspended outflows, but there is no return. The funds are still worrying. At present, the large-scale shrinkage of cottages has led to a rapid increase in the proportion of Bitcoin. However, the good news is that with the decline of cottages, the trading volume has basically been successfully activated, indicating that there are still people buying at the bottom during the decline of cottages. The market is not hopeless. If you really can't hold on, you can reduce your position appropriately, but don't liquidate your position rashly, otherwise it will cause a stampede, which will be bad for everyone.

Of course, the best news is that it is the weekend now, and the shrinking volume of Bitcoin has gradually stabilized the market, so the cottage market may slowly calm down.

Because I have to take a plane, I have to update temporarily, and my thoughts are not clear enough, so please just take a look,
