
From loss to profit, veterans in the cryptocurrency circle share their investment wisdom and experience!

Dear newbies in the cryptocurrency circle, something surprising happened last night. Someone posted a warning in advance that a big risk was coming, and it really came true. The market fluctuated violently. The main reason behind this is that large funds sold and fled for some reason, which seems a bit malicious. Moreover, this pattern may happen many times in the future, so we must always be vigilant.

Unfortunately, I myself was unable to hedge in advance, and all my positions were closed with one click. I remember that two months ago, I started to speculate in cryptocurrencies with a capital of 400u. At that time, the highest price rose to 10300u. Unfortunately, it has basically returned to a state of only 3 times the capital.

Here, I want to tell you clearly that the current market position is not the bottom yet, so don't rush to buy the bottom. As for whether to continue to speculate in cryptocurrencies, it depends on your ability to control the market and your mentality. Remember, our goal is to maximize profits.

Unlike many people's views, I think the current market no longer has a fully prosperous cottage season. If you are playing the long game, don't think that you can just buy at the bottom and wait for prosperity. Some currencies may fluctuate here and will not have a big increase. Only those high-quality and smart projects can really grow exponentially.

Therefore, the next cottage season may be an alternation of partial prosperity. If you still have bullets, you must choose the target carefully, choose those potential projects, and then "heavy" it, reduce operations, and wait patiently. Of course, don't forget to live a good life while speculating in cryptocurrencies, after all, life is the most important thing. →村委会

I hope these experiences can help you